WFH V/S Family: How Channel Partners Strike Balance in New Normal
The COVID-19 global pandemic and nationwide lockdown brought many drastic changes in our lives. The physical meetings were replaced by virtual conferences, online shopping became the preferred mode over in-shop shopping and now virtual learning is the way ahead. It’s been almost two years since people have accustomed to this new normal of WFH and LFH. However, as we have entered into a digitally-enabled lifestyle; it has brought a host of physical and mental health-related issues. In times when the lines between office space and home are blurring with an increase in working hours and screen times, people are facing anxiety, insecurity, depression and other stress-related disorders. According to the latest survey conducted by SCIKEY Market Network in major metro cities, with WFH and increased workload, people are facing a fear of job loss, which is taking a toll on their mental health and personal lives. Further, the survey states that the common symptoms of stress are aggression, mood swings, headaches, and physical ailments.
In unprecedented times, people must emphasize physical and mental well-being. RP tech India has been organizing many motivational events and fun activities for its channel fraternity to ensure their emotional wellbeing. We reached out to channel partners across India to understand how they are striking a balance between their professional and personal life while ensuring the safety of their loved ones.
Increased Work Hours
Since physical gatherings are halted for an indefinite time, most channel events and training happen virtually. Also, partners leverage digital mediums to reach out to potential buyers. Excessive online meetings have increased their working hours and screen time. Therefore, many partners face health issues like eyes, neck and spine-related disorders etc.
Partners also say that there are limitations of online means and they are not able to their customer’s queries. This leads to stress due to fear of losing potential customers and business. “We are not able to address customers queries properly due to limited access. Also, product availability and price issues make it difficult for us to do the business. We are already facing stiff competition from E-Commerce and the current scenario is not encouraging for us. We are already under pressure due to a lack of business and pilling expenditure. This leads to anxiety and stress and also affects our family relations”, said Mr. Girish Gupta, owner of Bhopal based Computer Planet.
While many channel partners are adjusting to the new lifestyle post lockdown, some do not see significant changes in their daily routines. “We are into the retail business and we were up and running even during the lockdown. Initially, there were certain hiccups as this was a very unique situation but we have gradually adjusted to the situation. I don’t think any major change in my routine but I am taking extra precautions and trying to lead a healthy lifestyle”, said Mr. Dixit Gupta, Owner of Jammu based Source peripherals.
Future Uncertainty
Uncertainty about future business prospects is the main reason for stress and anxiety among channel partners. The demand for IT products shot up exponentially in 2020 due to huge demand for WFH and LFH solutions, however, there was a decline in the demand in 2021. Partners say such steep fluctuations are not in favour of small dealers and retailers. Mr. Vivek Madathil, owner of Calicut based Accord Systems said, “Since business has to happen at a very limited scale, I have reduced my expenditure and cut spending on many things. I have family responsibility and sometimes it is very difficult to manage the budget. My family requires to compromise on many things because of reduced earning. I hope the situation will improve soon and we all will get back to our normal life.”
Prioritizing Family and Health
While an increase in stress is a reality, partners admit that the new normal allowed them to focus on their family and health and bring discipline to their routine. “Earlier, I would spend hours in the office and physical fitness was zero. Now as we all are forced to operate from home, I have made significant corrections in my daily schedule. I emphasise health & fitness and spend quality time with my family. I am prioritizing family needs and this has helped me improve my bond with my kids and wife”, Mr. Chetan Seksaria, owner of Kolkata based Clarion.
Health is Wealth
RP tech India has been at the forefront in giving extra support to partners through value-added programs such as motivational sessions, fun activities for partners’ kids and so on. The objective is to help partners cope up with their stress and help them to maintain a positive outlook towards life. Talking about these initiatives, Mr. Rajesh Goenka, Director, Sales & Marketing said, “The Corona crisis has taught us to health is the biggest wealth and we should not neglect it. Being the leading value-added distributor, we endeavour to assist our channel partners in every possible way.”
“We believe when talking about the health and well-being of our partners, we cannot ignore their family members. Hence, our activities target families of partners and ensure their active participation in the events. We recently organised RP tech Quiz Master Junior for children of partners. 3000+ children participated in the virtual quiz competition and 700+ kids won exciting prizes. Partners highly appreciated the event and thanked us for organizing the quiz on such a giant scale. We will continue to organise such events at a bigger scale in upcoming months”, he added.