
DataWind leads Tablet Market for Record Seventh Consecutive Quarter



DataWind Inc. , the leader in delivering Internet access to emerging markets, continues to retain the top slot with 26.7% market share in 2Q CY 2017, followed by iBall and Samsung at 15.8% and 14.3% respectively. CMR report shows that DataWind holds 68.5% market share in the <Rs,5000 tablet category which is the largest growing segment for Q2, 2017 constituting 39% of the total share.

The company has maintained its leadership position, selling more tablets than any other company in India for the seventh successive quarter. Devices bundled with free internet browsing; local manufacturing, patented technology and strong & committed team were the key factors which worked for DataWind to gain numero uno position quarter on quarter.

Mr. Suneet Singh Tuli, President and CEO of DataWind said, “The enormous demand for our products helps validate our focus on affordability and connectivity. Unlike many in this industry that are focused on providing high-end tablets to the elite, our focus is to enable Indians with their first computer at an affordable price.While due to demonetization and GST the market has hit a temporary bump, but we are truly grateful with the positive response from our customers that enabled us to consistently maintain the top position in India.”

DataWind is the only tablet provider in India focused on offering affordable tablets with free Internet access. All DataWind devices come bundled with one year of unlimited Internet access, and feature the most affordable ongoing plans available in the market due to the company’s unique, patented technology that compresses up to 97% the amount of data needed for web browsing.

Mr. Tuli further added “DataWind firmly believes that digital and internet divide can be addressed through technology intervention, at an affordable price point. In fiscal 2018, we foresee to introduce exciting data plans.We are focused on driving the cost downward to a level where access to technology becomes ‘universally affordable’ and democratization of technology finds its true meaning.”

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