Amod Phadke, Sales & Marketing Director, GCR

GCR to Revolutionise Education System by Boosting Use of IoT


GCR has taken a step forward to enhance the Educational industry. GCR now offers various IoT solutions for the Educational institution as well.

Gone are the days wherein schools used to follow the traditional methods of teaching. Since, Change is only constant and ‘Technological Advances’ are bringing about these changes. We can evidently see schools, colleges and other educational institutions inculcating IoT solutions in the already existing teaching methodologies. This is where GCR comes into plays in providing a wide array of products and services to uplift the educational demeanor.

GCR, therefore, provides Interactive Display to increase student Interaction and learning experience, School ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of educational courses; Digital Signage which allows centrally controlled, content distribution platform enabling one to playback digital content on one or many displays/noticeboard/screens,  LMS(Learning Management System), a cloud-based e-learning platform that facilitates learning, delivery, measurement and management of any learning programs; Cloud-based AV Conference for seamless virtual classroom allowing participants to login from any location using any device on internet.

GCR also offers Campus Tracking Solution which includes Asset Tracking, Library Management, People Tracking (students, teachers and staffs), and School Bus Tracking in order to maintain and not compromise on the security of students. Every solution which GCR offers for the Education vertical is SaaS connected solutions.

The Education vertical of India is the future of our country. When every other vertical is pacing towards digitization, this particular sector should also get a fair and square chance to up their game. Internet of Things (IoT), is slowly but surely revolutionising the Education Industry globally. We at GCR strive to achieve solutions for every sector including Education; such that we are able to do our part for digitization of our countryquoted Amod Phadke, Director – Sales and Marketing, GCR.

With these, Some Education institutions use it to control data as well as save money, whereas some use it to make students and classroom sessions highly tech-literate.

“In exploring who would be best to implement the IoT based technology for the AV system, we reviewed several options. We decided upon GCR, an online Partners Platform, who offers various IoT based solutions for various sectors. GCR assisted us to evaluate various AV system options and then tailor made it to the needs of our school’s extensive list of learning programs. GCR’s team ensured successful configuration of AV solution at our school to support critical and high-tech school learning sessions”- Said P B Shyam – President, Trigyn.

Interactive SmartBoards and Digital Highlighters are one of the booming IoT based devices in the field of education. This can boost, simplify and make the learning experience more interactive by viewing, responding and sharing learnings. Therefore, using these devices, our students sitting in their classrooms can interact with teachers and students worldwide” said Dhananjay Wakode, Managing Director, Benchmark Solutions

IoT is influencing everything, and the learning and education domains come well equipped within the gamut of this disruptive technology. The proliferation of user-friendly connected devices paired with improved and budget-friendly technology platforms have increased the rapid growth of IoT-enabled applications and capabilities in the education industry.   GCR’s Partner Platform enables end-customers, System Integrators, and Solutions Providers to avail complete technical and commercial information; this said the platform further lends a supporting hand towards GCR’s venture to uplift the education vertical of India.

All the above-mentioned products and services are available on GCR; the Partners’ Platform aims to be budget-friendly and light on the pockets of the users. GCR has over 300 IoT products/solutions positioned through 200+ partners on their platform.

“In this innovative scenario, our Partners Platform has all the advanced IoT Solutions and solutions which complement IoT Solutions, providing reasonable and practical tech products for teachers, administrators, and students such that they can match and benefit from the changing technology”, added Amod Phadke.

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